This week the weather was AMAZING! We went to the beach 3 times. On Tues. and Thurs. the kids and I went with some of our friends and had a great time. I just kept thinking when can you ever go to the beach in January in your bathing suit, play in the water and not be cold? No other time that I can think of but this week that is exactly what happened.
Aleena loved the water! I couldn't keep her out of it and she got her clothes soaking wet. I learned my lesson and put her in a bathing suit the next couple of times we went.

Trip # 3
Later that week on Saturday we went to dog beach in Huntington (yes we brought all 3 of our large dogs with us) with all my family. Jimmy took James out on a surfboard and helped him catch some waves since James, as of a few weeks ago, decided he wants to be a surfer. It was a great day and we are so blessed to have family so close by that they can join us on a spur of the moment beach trip!

I was a little brain dead that day and only took these three photos; I am so bummed at myself. At least in this photo you can see one of the dogs and my Dad in the background.